Registration for the alcohol passport test
Thu 13.4.2023 klo 12.00

Information about the test

Registration is binding and the test fee will be charged if it is not canceled in writing at least 12 hours before the test.

We will send the booking confirmation to the email address you provided.

Welcome to the alcohol passport test organized by Ava-akatemia!

Preparation for the test

The best way to prepare for taking the alcohol passport test is to read the Alkoholijuomien anniskelu publication published by Valvira. The questions used in the test have been prepared based on this publication.

The alcohol passport test has a total of 40 questions, of which 80 percent must be answered correctly. If you answer 32 questions correctly, you have passed the test. The questions are multiple choice questions. There may also be a few questions to which a short written answer is required.

At the test

When you come to the test session, be prepared to prove your identity. Before the start of the test, you will also be asked for a personal identification number for writing the serving pass and an address for mailing. The test is performed independently, without written support material. The test should be done with a pencil, so that if you make a mistake, you can still correct your answer. So bring a pencil and an eraser.

After the test

Return your test paper to the test supervisor. When you pass the test, you will receive a certificate within a week, which will be sent to your email. Deliver a copy of your alcohol passport to your workplace.

Good luck for the test!

Additional information


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